July 18, 2024

Do babies cry when their teeth come out?

There are babies who cry when their teeth come out due -among others- to pain and inflammation in the gums. However, it is not the same for everyone. Some babies have no signs or symptoms during teething.


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los bebés lloran cuando le salen los dientes resumen

This is a question that has no definite answer.

Teething is a different process for each baby in many ways; from the moment your teeth come out, to your symptoms and signs.


For example, Some babies live it like nothing and others may have some or all of the signs and symptoms.

One of those signs is that they cry, but as you can see, they may not.

Now we'll tell you a little more.

First of all, check your health status.

Since they don't talk, crying is one of the forms of communication for babies.

Babies cry, among other things, to express their needs or pain.

Therefore, if babies cry for no apparent reason, it is very important to check their health status with the pediatrician.

estado de salud con pediatra

Why? Because babies don't cry just because their teeth are coming out; this may also be a sign of an illness that requires attention.

If there are no diseases involved, one of the alternatives is that your teeth are coming out.

When their teeth come out, babies don't just cry.

There are more signs and symptoms that can help you identify if babies are teething.

dentición inflamación dolor encías

If babies cry when their teeth come out, may be due to pain and inflammation which can occur in the gum.

Therefore, you can check your gums and detect, for example, if they look swollen, redder than normal, or if they have a small bruise.

On the other hand, if your baby is in the period when his teeth are coming out, I might drool more than usual.

In addition, your cheeks may be red and hot. Teething may raise your body temperature a little, but it doesn't turn into a fever.

objetos y su mano en la boca

Also, when babies get their teeth out, they seek to rub their gums with anything they have at hand, even his own hand.

If babies cry when their teeth come out, they are also likely to be irritable, have trouble sleeping, and have less desire to eat.

What can we do to help babies who cry when their teeth come out?

apoyo emocional dentición

First of all, emotional support and play can help temporarily distract and soothe babies who cry when their teeth come out.

Companionship, understanding and patience with babies who are teething are tools that we all have at hand to alleviate it, even for a while.

In addition, Play actively with babies can change your emotional state and help you regulate stress.

Secondly, you can resort to cold teething toys.

These types of toys are chilled in the refrigerator (not frozen) and help relieve pain and inflammation in the gums.

juguetes mordedores y líquidos fríos

In addition, if you already consume liquids and foods other than milk, You can give him cold water and cold fruit or vegetable sticks to chew.

Also, using a clean finger, Can you massage the baby's gums to help ease pain and irritation.

Medications? They should only be administered under medical advice and supervision.

It can also help: Do you know Gingigel Teething?

Gingigel Teething It is a modern and safe hyaluronic acid gel that helps alleviate teething discomfort in babies.

gengigel denticion

The hyaluronic acid in Gingigel Teething can help:

  • Reduce inflammation of the baby's gums during tooth decay.
  • Relieve pain in the baby's gums.
  • Regenerate the tissues in the gums.
  • Prevent gum infections

Gingigel Teething It is applied directly to the gum with a clean finger and can be used 3 to 6 times a day, or as directed by the treating specialist.

In addition, it is recommended to apply the gel after feeding babies and before sleeping.

Use in children under 1 year of age should be under medical supervision.

Gingigel Dentition is a medical device. Therefore, it does not endanger the health of babies.

Gingigel Teething is available in:


Content for informational purposes; it does not replace a consultation with a doctor or other health professional.

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