July 18, 2024

The rejection of food when teething.

A baby may refuse food because of pain, swelling, and mood changes that may occur when teething.


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Feeding your baby during teething can be quite a battle.

Especially if you already eat foods other than breast milk.

Does he refuse you food? This may be normal, although when you're teething, you never know.

rechazo alimentos

It's that teething can be a very different stage for each baby; from the date it starts to the symptoms and signs.

One of the signs of teething may be a refusal to eat. Why? Now we'll tell you.

The rejection of food when teething.

Think of it this way; if when we feel sick we don't want to eat so much, it can also happen to your baby.

In addition, he considers that just his discomfort is in his mouth; the least he will want to eat.

dentición dolor rechazo alimentos

Remember that teething can cause inflammation, irritation and pain in the gums. It can also make you irritable and have trouble sleeping.

However, it's not that your baby isn't hungry or is going to stop eating forever, he just feels sick and refuses food.

This refusal to eat can last for a couple of days or as long as the discomfort of tooth exit lasts.

This may also happen every time you get a new tooth.

Try to relieve him before giving him food.

If because of those things in life, your baby's discomfort coincides with mealtime, try to calm him down before eating.

juguete mordedor

For example, Can you try a cold teething toy (not frozen) to relieve pain and swelling in the gums.

Also, you can Give her a gum massage using your clean finger to ease the pain.

contención emocional

In addition, You can hold him emotionally and/or play with him so that you feel calm and forget about the hassles for a while.

Another good option that kills two birds with one stone is Give him cold fruit or vegetable sticks so you can chew, ease your discomfort and eat at the same time.

Keep in mind: give him foods that you have already tried to avoid allergic reactions.

Avoid giving food that is hot or hard to eat while teething.

If you've managed to calm your baby down with the tips above, it may be a good time to try feeding your baby.

evitar alimentos calientes dentición

But keep in mind that Hot or lukewarm foods can accentuate discomfort that your baby already has in the gums.

In addition, if your baby already eats solids, it is also preferable avoid them so you don't have a hard time eating.

Therefore, it is essential to avoid the hot and the difficult at this time.

Prefer fresh, easy foods while teething.

Trust us, your baby will appreciate it.

alimentos fáciles de comer dentición

Fresh, cold, and easy-to-eat foods can even help alleviate teething discomfort.

The cold helps fight inflammation and also relieves pain.

Therefore, porridges, purees and yogurt (hopefully sugar-free) These are foods that your baby might eat while teething.

In addition, cold liquids can also be a great help, such as water, milk and juices (hopefully sugar-free too).

bastoncitos frutas verduras

We already told you, but don't forget: The fruit and vegetable sticks they can also be a great help in teething.

Keep in mind:

Remember that these tips can help you only if your baby is already eating foods other than breast milk.

consulta pediatra

In addition, to avoid allergies, remember to give him foods that you have tried or that you have consulted with your pediatrician before.

If your baby has started teething and is not yet eating food other than milk, Consult your trusted pediatrician to help you treat your teeth.


Content for informational purposes; it does not replace a consultation with a doctor or other health professional.


Do you know Gingigel Teething?

Gingigel Teething is a modern and safe hyaluronic acid gel that helps alleviate teething discomfort in babies.

gengigel denticion

The hyaluronic acid in Gingigel Teething can help:

  • Reduce inflammation of the gums of the baby during the exit of the teeth.
  • Relieve pain on the baby's gums.
  • Regenerate tissues on the gums.
  • Preventing infections on the gums.

Gingigel Teething it is applied with a clean finger directly to the gum and can be used between 3 and 6 times a day, or as directed by the treating specialist.

It is also recommended apply the gel after feeding babies and before sleeping.

Use in children under 1 year of age should be under medical supervision.

Gingigel Dentition is a medical device. Therefore, it does not endanger the health of babies.

Gingigel Teething is available in:

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